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In the mid-1960's, Charles "Charley" Kaper traveled to Japan to instruct a client of his firm in the use of the latest graphic arts devices used in the bulk-printing industry. Charley had vast experience in the United States, and his employer often assigned him to consult with clients in the U.S. and internationally. Masako Seki was employed by the Japanese client as a secretary. After several days, Charley requested a tour of Tokyo and specifically asked that Masako conduct the tour. Masako accepted the invitation, but showed up with a girlfriend from the office to make sure that she had a proper chaperone. Masako said that Charley was a perfect host/gentleman to both ladies, and everyone enjoyed the evening. Over the course of Charley's stay in Japan, he and Masako became friends and ultimately fell in love and married. Their first wedding took place in Japan. When they returned to the United States, there was another wedding ceremony with Charley's family in Chicago. After a few years living in Chicago, Charley was transferred to various U.S. states including Virginia and Massachusetts, before settling in Southern California. Over the course of their 33 year marriage, Charley's work-related travels took the couple to Hawaii (their favorite vacation spot), Alaska, Puerto Rico, and many foreign countries. Charlie received successful cancer treatment at St. Jude Medical Center in 1995. Ultimately, though, he succumbed to the disease in December 2000. Masako was also a cancer survivor from the early 1990's, and she credits St. Jude with saving her life. Before Charley passed away, he and Masako decided to leave their entire estate to St. Jude Medical Center, since St. Jude had helped both of them survive cancer. Masako remained cancer free until her death in September 2013 at the age of 84. Their ashes were scattered together at sea off the coast of their beloved Oahu, Hawaii.

-Story details by Jim and June Brady, long-time friends of the Kapers
